My daughter's friend, Riley, is a total trip. No other way to put it. She tells fantastic stories and can weave an amazing web--a designing woman in the making. If she is sellin', I am buyin'! And so is everyone else.
My son is mesmerized by her charm and art of storytelling. He'll believe anything she says; partly because she's mastered the art of persuasive selling at age 11 but mostly because he thinks she is a total fox. And she really is a cutie-pie.
Recently, we got on the topic of habits and my son asked her directly about her nose twitch. It's not an irritating movement at all, more like a cute nose wiggle that reminds me of Samantha Stephens. Patrick was staring at her one day and after a few minutes he said, "Why do you always move your nose?" She looked at him pensively and then opened her invisible book of tall tales....which led to one humdinger of an explanation....
Riley explained that her nose twitch was the result of a surgical mishap. She told Patrick that several years ago she had an operation to fix a problem in her neck and the nurse told her, prior to anesthesia, she would have a side effect from the surgery. BUT, there were two side effects and Riley was able to choose which one she'd rather live with: a nose twitch or constant farting.
Patrick's eyes were as big as frying pans as he listened to her preposterous story; he was buying every word. She continued, "Really, it was an easy choice. I couldn't imagine walking around trying to talk to people and farting between every I went with the nose twitch."
Oddly enough, my kids had just watched the campfire scene in Blazing Saddles. The one with all the men sitting around "out-gassing" each other. As I watched my son, I could see those wheels turning in his head as he imagined Riley in that scenario--tearing it up every few seconds. My little guy nodded his head as he considered her words and very proudly replied, "I think you made the right choice. You're pretty smart."
Riley rocks! Love it
ReplyDeleteThat is a really funny story... she's got quite a future for herself. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to pick the side effects of our actions in real life? Collectively we would take so many more risks.