Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Cup

My son recently started playing lacrosse...a sport that requires his first cup. I was left with the daunting task of buying this thing and I thought it was a very confusing purchase--the sizing chart was strange and the cups all looked gigantic to me....but what did I know...I went with the recommendation given to me by the sales guy and went on my merry way.

I got home and told my son I bought his cup.  He looked at me, laughed, and then ripped into the bag like two monkeys ripping into a cupcake.......Bingo!  He quickly inserted it and fidgeted about, all the while telling me "not to look at him" while he shimmied it in. It's not like he doesn't constantly have one hand down his pants or anything--I see this business all the time--puhleeze!  He quickly removed it and stared for a few moments, examining both the cup and the fitted undergarment that was to be worn in tandem with the cup.......after a few more seconds of pondering and exploration, he took the cup, put it against his mouth and nose and said,  "Luke Skywalker, I am your father."  Perfect.  Outside of being a protective device, it seems the man-cup has many uses, if you just open your mind....

Last year we were having a lovely Easter brunch at my brother's house and the kitchen was full of delicious foods.....I finished up the fruit salad and proudly displayed my colorful mix smack dab in the middle of the table. Done. When I walked away from the table, my youngest nephew crept up to the table and slammed his big dirty mitts into the fruit salad.  When his mom saw him doing this, she yelled in frustrated disgust, "For God's sake Dillon, use a spoon and get a bowl!"  He looked around, spied his brother's cup on the counter (and yes, he had worn it earlier in a baseball game) and proudly filled said cup with a mound of fruit.   It was in fact bowl-like and it was accessible....and it was quite fitting as a holder for melon balls.....

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