Thursday, August 4, 2011

LOL, LMAO, TBH.....WTF???????

It seems texting and messaging have significantly impacted human socialization--and I hate it! I'm the type of person who enjoys conversation.  Remember talking?  Actually looking at a person while engaging?  As opposed to sitting 2 feet from someone while texting them?  JEEZ!  Where did we go wrong.....

When I was growing up, we had two acronym "phrases" that we used: LYLAS and BFF.  And these were even used sparingly....writing notes in class......signing yearbooks, etc.  Something like, "Have a bitchin' summer!  History was a blast!  LYLAS!"  These were impactful sentiments and you didn't need a tutorial to keep up with what all the abbreviations meant.

I am so tragically unhip when it comes to this stuff--I have no idea what 90% of  "text-speak" means--I just figured out LOL and LMAO and I refuse to use them.  I'd rather tell someone that I think they are hysterical--who wouldn't want to hear that?

With all this silly stuff on the rise, I fear our conversations will soon be reduced to just a bunch of scrambled letters with supposed meaning:

Person 3: I totally agree! 

When this happens, I guess I'll just have to throw my phone away.  I think I'll just tie two tin cans together with a piece of string and carry it with me on the off chance someone really wants to talk to me from a distance.  OMG!!!!!!


  1. haha... agreed (although i'm guilty of using LOL a lot!). What on earth is LYLAS? lol

  2. You little ones who didn't grow up with the Valley Girls! It means Love Ya Like a sis. Like totally. for sure for sure!
