Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Recession Hits the Tooth Fairy

I don't know what the hell is going on but my kids have been losing teeth left and right.  Are they brushing their teeth with Mountain Dew?  Eating an abundance of Laffy Taffy?  I have no idea, but I do know one thing...I can't afford the high rent expectations of the modern day Tooth Fairy.  When I was little, I got coins under my pillow...not 5 dollar bills! My kids expect to earn enough money to bank roll a Vegas casino on their lost teeth.  It's ludicrous.  Not to mention the fact that I never ever have cash.  The last time my daughter lost a tooth, again my wallet was bare, I did what any smart mommy would do and jacked money from her piggy bank in order to pay up.  I pulled together all I could and left a mound of change worth $2 under her pillow.  The next morning, Little Miss Sunshine stormed out of her room, shaking the bag, and said, "What is THIS?!?!?!"  Apparently nickels and pennies aren't acceptable currency to 10-yr-old kids...they want to see the paper stuff--only THE PAPER STUFF

I gave her the age-old "money is money" statement and all I got was a disgusted look (I can't even imagine if she knew it was her own money to begin with)  As a mommy, I have no shame; it's not about the journey it IS the end result that matters: get the kids fed and to bed, get them to practice on time, make sure they brush their teeth and wash their hair......and always make sure their piggy bank is flush, just in case the Tooth Fairy needs you to spot her a couple bucks........

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