Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Livin' Large

One of my very fave questions to ask kids is: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  The answers are usually standard....a teacher, a doctor, a policeman, etc.....but sometimes the responses are so outlandish and lofty it can be difficult to contain an outward laugh.

For a while my son and daughter repeated the same career choices when asked about their future endeavors, but recently they have come up with a few new gems that absolutely kill me....

Per my son, his future bio will include the following: $1,000,001.  A jetpack.  The ability to make himself invisible.  With these three items one could rule the world; and my shorty has the determination to do it.

My daughter is much more blase' about her career path. She doesn't like to waste time thinking about minute life stuff like work, school, homework, etc.  Over the last year or so she has thrown out professional soccer as a career but has changed her mind in recent weeks due to the 1.5 mile run she has to complete during her club practice. It's just too much work for the little princess. If something isn't easy to attain, she ain't interested....

"So if soccer's not going to be your gig," I ask, "what do you want to do?"

"Oh, I don't know," she'll sigh, "I'll probably just be a famous actress." This bold statement is made with absolutely no commitment whatsoever.....she's not in drama, hates to read, and gets embarrassed in front of crowds. So good luck with that one, toots--you're right on track!  When I remind her of her soccer talents and how great she is and could be with continued training, she looks around and gingerly says, "Nah.....I think I'll stick with the acting..."  Stick with it?!?!?  There's nothing to stick with, crazy!

Recently the two of us went to the bookstore and while I browsed for a new read she skimmed the teen fan club section in order to find the best autographs.  After all, she needs to be ready for all the paparazzi and mobs when she makes her debut in Hollywood........apparently it's as easy as that.

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