Thursday, July 28, 2011

Can I Borrow Your Kevlar, Please?

A couple years ago I witnessed a bank robbery.  Well, I didn't see the actual stick up, but I did stumble upon the craziness that took place outside of the a matter of fact....I think I might have been one of the reasons the bad guys got away.

I had just gotten a mani/pedi and I was parked down the way in front of the bank.  I left the nail salon in a scattered rush because I realized I was late for carpool pick-up.  Running as fast as I could,  I competed with my wet nails and paper flip flops--trying to keep your toes spread apart while running is not easy, but somehow I managed to get to my car--nails unscathed.  Perfect.

I jumped in, went to back up, and realized I was blocked in by a huge armored police van.  I rolled down my window and noticed a policeman creeping up the side of my car--he was in full SWAT gear.  "Yoo hoo, Officer.  Can you move your van please? I'm late for carpool," I said with a big friendly grin. 

You should have seen the look this man gave me.  It was somewhere between shock, disgust, and complete irritation.  His extreme expression, coupled with his emphatic "SHHHHH!!!" led me to believe some serious monkey business was happening.  Man oh man, am I quick or what?  (NOT!)   My Nancy Drew instincts led me to connect the dots and I realized he was edging towards the bank..."Oh my God!  Is somebody robbing the bank? Do something!" I screamed.  "SSSSHHHHHH!!!!" the policeman again shushed me and frantically tried to wave me to be quiet.  I was stuck.  Stuck in my car.  And stuck with no protection whatsoever---if the robbers came flying out of the bank, firing aimlessly, I had no way to escape.  I thought about asking for a Kevlar from my new police friend, but he looked busy so I didn't want to bug him anymore......I already felt like the biggest pest.

All of a sudden, 3 tellers came running out of the bank--the robbers let everyone go then apparently snuck out the back.  Fortunately everyone was safe but the crime was not foiled.  For some reason I feel like I might have been part of the problem as opposed to the solution......not sure why....

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