Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Saida' Hip Hop Hippy to the Hippity Hip Hip Hop Ya' Don't Stop.....

Before my kids compete in any sporting event, we listen to music in order to get amped up. Decent tunes are an inspirational necessity to me and I'm working to instill the same feelings in my kids; but it has to be the right music. Slowly but surely, I'm achieving some semblance of appreciation from my little Olympians for old school jams. Word.  Word up.  Word to the mother. Boyyyyyy!  Where is my Flava' Flave clock?!?!?

It all started a few months ago when my little guy was singing Katy Perry's "Firework" as he dressed for flag football.  Ummmm...this was not going to fly in the sports arena. Stop it! He needed the Eye of  the Tiger and Katy P was not going to get him there. 

I gave him my iPod and played a little sumpin' sumpin' from LL Cool J -  "Mama Said Knock You Out."  He listened for about 5 seconds and said, "Mom. This song is terrible."  "Ummm...no...this song is retro greatness and you need to give it a chance," I pleaded.  The words are lyrical steroids and if I listened to it while running a marathon, I'd be up front with the Kenyans--fo shizzle. 

He listened intently and then removed the iPod.  Nothing.  No commentary whatsoever.  I felt like a chump. 

A few days later, while getting ready for lax, I heard him quietly singing, "I'm gonna' take this itty bitty world by storm....and I'm just gettin' warm...." 

It was one of my greatest mommy moments ever and I felt so accomplished.  My son was officially "funky fresh".


  1. Mad props on treating your child's Katy Perry affliction with a little LL Cool J. I'd up the dosage a bit and perhaps toss in some Butthole Surfers.


  2. Ohhhh......KR....how right you are! I'm trying to ramp it up slowly and increase the music milligrams at a steady rate.......we are almost to House of Pain......we'll get there, Mac Daddy! Thanks for the noteworthy advice and comment--keep it coming!
